Harvest Bundle Week #2

Harvest Bundle Week #2

  • $30.00
    Unit price per 
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Homegrown and locally sourced, shop small & eat fresh!

Further customize this bundle by adding farm fresh eggs.

Your bundle includes:
*1 head of our own cauliflower
*1 head of our own broccoli
*1 head of our own cabbage
*1 quart of our own Brussels sprouts
*1 bunch of our own kale
*1 bunch of locally grown carrots
*3 lb. locally grown apples
*5 lb. of locally grown sweet potatoes
*1/2 gallon of Kime's apple cider

*Available for in-store pickup Saturday, November 16.

*read product description above for this week's exact contents.

Bundles noslot Produce

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