Spring Kickoff Activity

  • $10.00
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Saturday, March 22, 2025
10:00am - 1:00pm

With the new season upon us, let's get our hands in the dirt to have some gardening fun! Choose from the below children's activities which take place concurrently with our annual Spring Kickoff celebration from 10am-1pm on 3/22/25. View all of the Spring Kickoff details here: https://www.millerplantfarm.com/news-events/our-events/item/200-spring-kickoff-2025

Seed Starter Activity: Starting seeds with children indoors is a fun family gardening project! Kick off Spring with seed planting, then watch the seeds sprout up close at home. Kids will plant 6 easy-to-grow seed varieties with the help of their parent or guardian along with our knowledgeable staff. Then they will take the plantings home, along with an information sheet on successful growing tips. Children can watch the seeds sprout into flowers and vegetables from home! Transplant outside once the weather is fit, and enjoy the fruits of their labor this Summer!

Lettuce Planting Activity: When you get your children involved in growing and harvesting their own vegetables, they're much more likely to eat them! Kids have an opportunity to plant a 6-pack of lettuce with our experienced Miller Plant Farm staff. With the provided lettuce growing tip sheet, children will enjoy lettuce at home throughout the Spring growing season.

Each planting option is $10 per child or $15 to include a fun bakery activity. There are no specific time slots to be reserved, but the event will take place beginning at 10:00AM and will conclude at 1:00PM; please come during this time when you are able. Registration is preferred, and walk-ins will only be accepted if space and product is available. We do not guarantee a bountiful harvest, but do hope your child will have fun playing in the dirt and cultivating their green thumbs!

By attending this workshop, I am granting permission to Miller Plant Farm Inc. to use any pictures or likenesses of me secured at the event in any way they see fit without review, restriction, or compensation. In the event that minimum attendance is not reached, you will be notified in advance and refunded of all charges to your original payment method. Exact product will vary.

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